Issued by the DX-TA-SEA DX CLUB (WW8DX), this multicolored diploma measuring 8.5 x 11 inches (21.5 x 28cm) is awarded to Amateur Radio Operators and Short Wave Listeners for confirming contacts with (SWL reception of) the 20 different Ecuadorean HC & HD prefix areas, HC1-HC0 and HD1-HD0 (including HC8/HD8-Galapagos Islands and HC9/HD9 & HC0/HD0-Special Event and Contest Prefixes). This is a photograph of the Equatorial Line Monument taken while standing 2 meters North of the Equator looking due West toward the Pacific. The actual "Equatorial Line" can be seen in the lower-left a...
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Радиолюбительские дипломы - Эквадор
Issued by the DX-TA-SEA DX CLUB (WW8DX), this multicolored diploma measuring 8.5 x 11 inches (21.5 x 28 cm) is awarded to Amateur Radio Operators and Short Wave Listeners for confirming contacts with (SWL reception of) a minimum of 3 different HC8 or HD8 stations in the Galapagos Islands. That turtle is about 170 years old and weighs 500-600 pounds. That turtle was 10 years old when Charles Darwin arrived on the H.M.S. Beagle at Academy Bay. This award has been developed to recognize past Amateur Radio activities from the Galapagos Islands as well as to promote future DX operations fro...
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